Mediterranean Diet May Improve Teens’ Grades

As all parents would agree, education is a critical component of raising healthy and successful children. Parents will go to many extremes to help give their kids an educational edge. But did you know that nutrition might be the secret weapon?
Everyone likes to tout that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Actually, when looking at overall health, every meal is the most important meal of the day. A person's total health picture depends on whether they are feeding themselves well. Even more than exercise, it seems that nutrition matters.
We often think of our bodies, in terms of weight and muscle. However, what we eat also impacts our ability to learn and think. Our brains are part of our bodies, of course!
Researchers in a Spanish study have found that a Mediterranean diet helped improve the school performance of teenagers. The Mediterranean diet is centered on high consumption of "good fats." Specifically, consuming good fats such as olive oil are key to this form of nutrition and diet.
The challenge is that health and brain benefits will only result when the olive oil is pure and authentic. The Ancient Foods olive oils are from farmers in tiny villages. We trust the farmers and we trust their olive oils.
For more on the research connection between the Mediterranean diet and the scholastic performance of teenagers, check out:
Olive Oil Times: Med Diet Protects Teens From Abdominal Obesity